Freedom to Read Review 2006!
Call for submissions!
August 15, 2005!
for submissions: The coordinators of the Freedom to Read Review 2006, published
by the Freedom of Expression committee of the Book and Periodical Council,
seek thoughtful fiction, non-fiction and artwork -- short articles, questions
for our experts, snippets or quotations, experiences, poetry, prose, comic
strips, and political cartoons -- related to the following: freedom to
read, self censorship, freedom of expression, intellectual freedom, censorship;
what these terms mean or don't mean to you and where your boundaries lie.
Content with a Canadian angle is of particular interest to us.
Send submissions pasted in the body of the email to [] by August 15, 2005. Please query before submitting articles greater than 750 words or before sending an attachment. Please note that contributions may be edited for space or style and that due to space constraints we may be unable to use all contributions. Unfortunately we are unable to pay contributors at this time. For more information on the Review please visit
Book and Periodical Council
(t) 416-975-9366, (f) 416-975-1839
sent by: Thomas S. Saras