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Download Tamil
Letter From The Prime
Minister R.H.Paul Martin!
[«ñ¨Á¢ø '§¾º¢Â þÉí¸Ù측É
Àò¾¢Ã¢¨¸¸û ÁüÚõ ¸§ÉÊ ¦ÅÌƒÉ °¼¸í¸Ùì¸¡É (National
Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada) º¨À¢É÷ À¢Ã¾Á÷ §À¡ø Á¡÷ÊۼɡÉ
ºó¾¢ô¦À¡ýÈ¢¨É ²üÀ¡Î ¦ºö¾¢Õó¾Ð ¦¾Ã¢ó¾§¾. «¾¢ø ¸ÄóÐ ¦¸¡ñ¼ À¢Ã¾Á÷ «¾üÌ ¿ýÈ¢
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A Letter From The Prime
Minister R.H.Paul Martin!
 Just
a short note to thank you and the members of the National Ethnic Press
and Media Council of Canada for the opportunity to meet and exchange views
with members of the organization during my visit to Mississauga on June
18. Your efforts and dedication were instrumental to the success of the
day and I thank you for that. The next decade in the political life of
Canada will present us with major new challenges and enormus opportunities;
from rebuilding our health care system, to maintaining and enchacing a
competitive and open economy, to further improving our nation's fiscal
health. I believe tahat Canada can be a model to the world, but only if
we make the right choices. Many thanks for inviting me to speak with the
Council. -Paul Martin.-
¾¸Åø: §¾¡ÁŠ ±Š.º¡Ã¡Š
saras@patrides.com |
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